
The Artwork of Shawn Falchetti

Snug as a Bug

Adrift is all packed up and getting ready to ship to Florida for the CPSA 22nd Annual International Exhibition.  This year I did my piece on a full sheet of Canson Mi-Teintes Touch paper, which is a few inches larger than my usual Artspectrum Colourfix paper.  When I framed the work, I butted up against the CPSA's size limitation (32" x 40") for the show, coming in at an inch or so under max. IMG_3326   IMG_3330 Years ago I bought an Airfloat Systems Strongbox for shipping my work, and looking at how ragged it's become, you can tell I got my money's work.  I was a bit nervous that my max size piece wouldn't fit in my Airfloat strongbox, but it just made it with 1" to spare: IMG_3332 Now I just need to print up my FedEx labels and drop it off at the pickup point down the street, then it's off to the show!